- Why shouldn’t the Anglicans, especially after we read this? 这一次,有人建议神经科学应该借鉴经济科学,以解决“合作”的问题。
- If we interfere, it may do more harm than good. 倘若我们进行干预,那可能弊多利少。
- Why don' t we adjourn to the local hostelry ? 我们怎么不搬到本地旅馆去住呢?
- P> 672 Why don"t we go to the office now? 为何我们现在不去办公室呢?
- Why can’t we regrow body parts? 为什么我们的器官不能再生?
- Simon: Why don’t we go for Teppanyaki tonight? Simon: 我们晚上去吃铁板烧怎么样?
- If we interfere, it will do more harm than good. 假如我们干预,弊就会大于利。
- But why shouldn’t undocumented immigrants with taxpayer numbers get the cash too? 但是为什么有纳税号码的非法劳工不能得到退税?
- If we interfere,it may do more harm than good. 倘若我们进行干预,那可能弊多利少。
- If Sierra is a jury member also,why shouldn’t they’ve bonded witheach other a little bit more in Ponderosa,and being nicer to eachother? 最近我心情很低落,年仅34岁的歌手阿桑因为乳腺癌去世了,还有之前的陈晓旭以及一些默默无名的可爱生命都因此疾病而陨落。
- Why shouldn’t our communications software allow multiple connections or make connections by organization or affiliation, or just hide the use of phone numbers altogether? 为什么我们的通信软件不允许多次连接,或者通过组织或附属关系建立连接,或者隐藏电话号码的使用?
- Shouldn’t we be confident enough to serve the community based on, and be remunerated for, our competency and merits? 现在我天天到另一家领先美国科技公司(市值超过一千四百亿美元)上班,身边团队天天都在卖产品和服务给中国以及亚洲国家的客户,我帮忙处理谈判和合同问题。
- Why shouldn’t business people, responsible for tens of thousands of jobs, earn as much as someone who kicked a ball or pranced around a stage for a living? 他们说,运动员踢几脚球,演员在舞台上蹦蹦跳跳,就能大把挣钱,生意人负责成千上万的工作岗位,为什麽就不能拿高薪?
- I' ve just had an inspiration : why don' t we try turning it the other way ! 我突然想到一个好主意, 我们何不试试向相反的方向转一转呢!
- Can' t we close up the opening with something ? 我们难道不能用什么东西把这个洞口塞住吗?
- What about the self-made rich? Shouldn‘t we be more impressed by them? While their hard work and perseverance are often admirable, I wouldn‘t be too quick to deify. 那么白手起家的又如何呢?我们是否应该更敬重他们一些?尽管他们的艰苦奋斗和坚强意志值得尊敬,但因此就将他们奉若神明似乎有些草率。
- And how can we exert influence or how can we interfere in the DPRK which is an independent countrv? 我们不知道这件事,何况它是一个独立的国家,我们怎么能干预?!
- Shouldn’t we be judged based on our expertise and efficiency, rather than eying for “cushion” or “protectionism” that are usually only reserved for the under-privileged? 以前我对的是采购人,现在是销售人。
- Let us once again return to Golgotha, reflecting on Jesus’ death for our sins.If God can forgive (that person), why can’t we? 让我们再一次回到各各他山上,想到耶稣已为我们的罪钉死,若 神能赦免那个人,为何我们不能赦免他呢?
- Why shouldn't we interfere? 怎么管不着?